Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School


“Blessed is he who reads”

Revelation 1:3

Our Literacy curriculum has been carefully crafted to cultivate avid and curious readers, instil confidence in articulate speakers who have a rich vocabulary, and to foster creativity in imaginative and skilled writers.

English Curriculum Intent & Guiding Principles

Creating a culture of joy around reading: We believe that children learn best when they are inspired and motivated to read. Therefore, we aim to create a joyful culture around reading in our school, where children have access to a variety of books and are encouraged to read for pleasure.

Supporting staff with the necessary knowledge, skills, and professional development: We recognise that effective teaching of English and literacy requires continuous learning and professional development. We aim to provide all staff members with the knowledge, skills, and professional support they need to deliver high-quality teaching of English and literacy.

Ongoing assessment to monitor pupil progress: We believe in the importance of monitoring and assessing pupil progress on an ongoing basis. We will use detailed and frequent assessments to identify where pupils have learning gaps or are not making the expected progress, and make sure that interventions target these areas.

Providing a rich and diverse range of reading materials: We aim to expose pupils to different types of reading material, including stimulating, high-quality, and curiosity-inspiring classroom displays. We believe that a rich and diverse range of reading materials helps to develop children's literacy skills and fosters a love of reading.

Involving families in supporting their child's reading and writing: We believe that parents and families play an important role in supporting their child's literacy development. We will involve families in supporting their child's reading and writing by providing guidance on how to support literacy development at home and by regularly communicating with parents about their child's progress.

Coherently planned and sequenced curriculum: We believe that a well-planned and sequenced curriculum is essential for effective teaching of English and literacy. We will ensure that our English curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced, with a focus on building foundational skills and knowledge.

Providing up-to-date and varied teaching resources: We aim to provide a range of up-to-date and varied teaching resources that match pupil and curriculum needs. We believe that high-quality resources support effective teaching and learning of English and literacy.

Encouraging high-quality interactions: We believe that high-quality interactions between teachers and pupils are essential for effective teaching of English and literacy. We will engage pupils in high-quality back-and-forth interactions that promote the development of their literacy skills.

Modelling new language and accurate vocabulary & grammar: We believe that modelling new language and accurate grammar is essential for developing children's literacy skills. We will model new language and accurate grammar to pupils in order to support their language development and improve their writing.

Supporting pupils with speech, language, and communication needs: We believe that all pupils should have access to high-quality teaching of English and literacy, regardless of their individual needs. We will support pupils with speech, language, and communication needs by providing extra small-group story times and other interventions as necessary.



English Curriculum Map

English Literacy Map

Literacy Implementation Overview

Early Reading (Phonics)

Creating a culture of reading at home.

Stoke Tips for Primary Parents

Reading to your Child 

RWI Reading at Home 

Read and Write inc Information for Parents

Set 1 Sound Letter Formation

Key Learning in Reading

Key Learning in Reading

Reading Planning for Progression

Year 3 Book Spine

Year 4 Book Spine 

Year 5 Book Spine

Year 6 Book Spine

Key Learning in Writing 

Key Learning in Writing

Writing Planning for Progression

Key Learning in Spoken Language

Key Learning in Spoken Language

Useful Websites

Words for Life