Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Nursery Spring 2024

People who help us

As part of our topic ‘People who help us’, we had a visit from the police. The police officers talked to us about how they help the community and some of the equipment they use. We even got to sit in the police car!


PSHE: Being Healthy

Nursery have been talking about ways that we can keep ourselves healthy. We talked about foods that are good for us and ones that are not. We helped Colin the crocodile clean his teeth and learnt how to wash our hand better.



After reading our favourite story 'Rusty the Squeaky Robot,' the children wanted to make their own robots. We talked about their features and what sounds their robot would make.



The children have explored capacity and talked about containers being, full, empty, half full, nearly empty or nearly full! Nursery are excellent at this! We made monster milkshakes but we could only get cream and sprinkles if the cup was nearly full!


Heavy and Light

Nursery have been exploring mass and investigating how to tell if something is heavy or light. We used bucket scales first then became human scales. We needed to decide if our arms went up for lighter objects or down with heavier ones.



Nursery have been exploring the story 'Elmer'. We talked about the characters, the setting what the problem was and how it was solved. We know that it good to be different because it would be boring if we all looked the same.



In our PSHE lessons we have been talking about how we can be a good friend and what makes us a good friend. We talked about being kind, sharing, helping others and saying sorry when you have upset or hurt someone￿even when it￿s an accident and most importantly, listening to our friends. We made friendship bracelets for our friends and when on a listening walk.


Nursery 4

This has got to be Nursery’s favourite number! We have loved learning about number 4, we are excellent at subitising number 4 and singing the song to go with our story 'Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons'. We also had a game where we threw bean bags in a basket to see how many we got in and how many we missed… definitely some cheering and cheating going on!


Dear Zoo

We have been reading the story Dear Zoo. We had a vet role play area to think about how we care for different animals. We thought about what pet we would like from the zoo and drew a picture to send to the zoo. We also built a zoo using our blocks and thought about the different sized enclosures they would need.