Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Online Safety

Online Safety Coordinator: Miss C Simpson

The online world is full of opportunity, learning and risks and learning to navigate it safely is critical. Our curriculum  is designed to help all children be responsible, effective and educated online learners. 

We regularly revise and consult on our approach and content to ensure we are up to date with the latest advice, guidance and legislation. 

We use technology in ICT and Computing lessons, but also to support learning in other subjects across the curriculum. 

How we keep children safe online

We have a duty to protect children and be aware of the risks that can arise when using the internet and online technologies.

  • Internet access in lessons is managed and monitored carefully and appropriately for the age of the pupils, with clear objectives.
  • Internet access is filtered, to block access to unsuitable content. ICT systems capacity and security are reviewed regularly.
  • Pupils are taught what internet use is acceptable and what is not. If they do come across any inappropriate content they are told to report this to staff.
  • Children are taught to be aware of online safety risks and laws involved with social network sites, gaming and the use of mobile phones – and are taught never to reveal personal details or arrange to meet anyone online.
  • Children are taught about online safety throughout the curriculum and through ‘Safer Internet Day’ activities. Online safety rules are displayed on posters in appropriate places in school and the children are reminded of the rules throughout the year.
  • If children have mobile phones, they are required to hand them in to the school office at the start of the day.
  • We are careful not to publish pictures or names of children without consent. Please refer to our Data Protection policy to understand how we use information about parents, carers and children.
  • Staff and volunteers are given clear guidelines about their use of the internet: please see our Acceptable Use of ICT policy.


National Online Safety

National Online Safety is a multi-award winning digital training provider with extensive resources in online safety, developed in line with the Department of Education’s statutory requirements.

As parents, you are able to join us as a member of National Online Safety for free: https://nationalonlinesafety.com

National Online Safety provides members with free online content guides including games such as Roblox and Minecraft. It has free webinars and online safety courses for parents.

Take a look at some of their guides below.