Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

P.SH.E (incl R.S.H.E.)

“Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good” 

Hebrews 10:25

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. PSHE can encompass many areas of study and we have taken into account the needs of all our pupils in outlining our curriculum coverage.

Our main aim here at Our Lady of Walsingham, is that our PSHE education programme equips our pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.

Our PSHE education programme builds on the statutory content outlined in the national curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, relationship and sex education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

We have chosen to use the ‘My Life’ PSHE programme published by Collins. This is a complete PSHE course for children age 5–11, providing schools with a Scheme of Work for the primary years.

The programme provides structured progression so children build up their understanding of health, relationships, safety and social issues in age-appropriate steps. It encourages personal development of important qualities such as resilience, responsibility and wellbeing.

Our RSE curriculum is delivered through ‘A Journey in Love’ recommended by the Liverpool Archdiocese.

Equality and Diversity curriculum is delivered through the 'No Outsiders in Our School – Teaching the Equality Act in Primary Schools' as recommended by the Liverpool Archdiocese. 




PSHE/RSE Implementation 

PSHE & RSE Implementation Overview

PSHE Association Programme of Study for PSHE Education (Key Stage 1-5) 

A Journey in Love 2021 - Booklet for Parents 

RSHE Policy 

Equality and Diversity - No Outsiders in Our School 

Equality and Diversity Progression of Skills 

Equality and Diversity Curriculum Map


RSHE Curriculum Map

RSHE - Progression of Skills for Journey in Love 2020