Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School


Pupils at Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School are extremely fortunate to be able to benefit from having a very strong and active Parent Teachers Association. Throughout the year our team work very hard to organise events which are both fun and rewarding for those involved.

Funds raised via these events pay for extra equipment for the school and help provide additional facilities and projects that may not be traditionally available via standard school funding.

Over the last school year, the PTA has raised funds to help towards:

  •  Year 6 leaving presents;
  • play equipment in the playground;
  • prizes and gifts for Christmas
  • coach costs for school trips
  • £200 per class towards additional resources in-class
  • Our FANTASTIC book-vending machine 

Easter Bingo - March 2024

The PTA would like to thank everyone for attending and supporting our Easter Bingo in the Church Club.  

We would like to Thank Mr Martin Hiddleston for stepping up on the last minute as our Bingo Caller, he made a fabulous job of it.

Thank you to the children who behaved amazingly.

The event raised approximately £630.00.

Again thank you to everyone. Happy Easter

Christmas Raffle 2023

Christmas Raffle 2023

Christmas Fair Flyer 2023

Summer Fair 2023

Summer Fair Flyer 2023

Summer Fair 2023 - Thank You

If you would like to join the PTA, please complete the form below, we will be in contact with you shortly. 

PTA - Expression of Interest 

We would love to have more of our parents, grandparents, aunties/uncles and friends on the PTA so please let us know if you would like to come along. Although the objective is to raise funds for school, we make sure that it is always a rewarding and fun along-the-way!


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