Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Play Leaders

Here at Our Lady of Walsingham, we recognise that a school is a family and community. Within such a small community it is imperative to foster positive relationships within classes and across peer groups. With this in mind we are delighted to announce our new Play Leader team.

Play Leaders are a group of caring children who have been trained to organise activities for other children on the playground. They encourage children to join in games and to extend their friendships. The leadership skills that they have been taught will also help to raise self-esteem, self -confidence and encourage physical activity.

A Play Leader should aim to have the following qualities:

  • To be a great role model
  • Be Kind
  • Be able to help other children
  • Abide by rules
  • Respect equipment
  • Be honest, reliable and trustworthy
  • To be a good team member

Aims of Play Leaders:

  • To improve behaviour on the playground
  • To provide a safe area for children to practise their social skills
  • To develop friendships between pupils
  • To encourage problem solving
  • To teach pupils appropriate skills and games
  • To be a good role model for their peers