Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Prayer and Liturgy

The Governors of Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School recognise that Collective Worship provides opportunities for pupils and staff to come together to worship God. Whilst respecting the diversity of belief and commitment, Collective Worship at our school will be Catholic in character, reflecting the liturgical tradition of the Church has Christ at its heart, where the Gospel values of our Lord Jesus Christ are taught, lived and experienced.

In order to achieve our aims, we will provide a variety of experiences which will take into account the religious and educational needs of all who participate.

Whole School Collective Worship takes place on a Wednesday afternoon. The whole school comes together in order to celebrate our faith whilst giving praise.  The focus of the readings are based on the scriptures shared at Mass the previous weekend or through global dimensions. This approach ensures that pupils have a sense of the Church’s Liturgical calendar.

A Collective Worship calendar, set out by the RE Co-Ordinator, is shared with all staff at the start of each term. Scripture, prayer and liturgy are used although staff are encouraged to use spontaneous opportunities to worship when they occur. The children are encouraged to offer their praise through hymn practise also. 


The children are given the opportunity to lead and organise a mass in our Parish church once in each academic year. During this time, our parents and families are warmly invited to join this opportunity for worship.  

During the Spring Term, the whole school comes together to 'Walk through Holy Week'. Classes collaborate with one another to re-enact 'The Greatest Week' for their peers. During this week, we remind ourselves of the Lords sacrifice for us by sing 'Servant King' daily. 

During the Summer Term, parents are invited into their children's class to celebrate their end of topic class Prayer and Liturgy celebration. This opportunity allows for the children to celebrate their learning that has taken place, whilst sharing the experience with their parent. 

Prayer and Liturgy is encouraged to take place in our extensive grounds. We are extremely fortunate to have 'Joanna's Garden'- an outside space for quiet and reflection, inspired by a former pupil, Joanna Walker. 



Collective Worship Policy

Prayer and Liturgy Themes Planner

Prayer and Liturgy Theme Planner Autumn 2

Prayer and Liturgy Theme Planner Autumn 1

Prayer and Liturgy Theme Planner Holy Week

Prayer and Liturgy Theme Planner Spring 1

Prayer and Liturgy Theme Planner Spring 2

Prayer and Liturgy Theme Planner Summer 1

Prayer and Liturgy Theme Planner Summer 2