Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Religious Education

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.”

Romans 15:4

At Our Lady of Walsingham, we follow 'Come and See' which is a scheme of work that is taught from Early Years to Year six, created by the Archdiocese. In the Autumn Term, we focus on God our Creator; Spring Term,  we look at God our Saviour and in the Summer term, God our Spirit. Although all the children work on the same theme, each year group has a different topic exploring different aspects of this theme. Please read and refer back to our parents' letter which we send out at the beginning of each term.

Additional to their religious lessons, children participate in daily collective worship; this may be based in class, as a key stage or whole school. From time to time children will bring home a collective worship planning sheet so that they can plan and lead their own collective worship in class.

Other Religions

Children today live in a fast-changing global world, where communication and travel opens them to diversity and challenge. It is important that we prepare them for this. Jesus, who is the fullness of God's revelation to humanity, showed respect for those within and outside his own faith community. The Church calls us to be committed to respecting people of other religions and to recognise that God is at work with them. Every year all children will look at Judaism. Early Years and Key Stage One will also study Hinduism while Key Stage Two will study Islam.



Curriculum Big Questions Map

RE Curriculum Map

RE Implementation Overview