Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Year 3 Summer

British Sign Language

Pupils were introduced to British sign language and truly enjoyed practising a new skill. Pupils engaged very well with activities and celebrated by signing a song.


Healthy Eating

Pupils had a wonderful time taking part in a cooking and food preparation session this morning. Pupils were able to select their vegetables and were taught how to safely cut food. It was lovely to see some pupils trying foods that they hadn￿t previously tried.


Geography - Volcanoes

We have been learning about volcanoes in Geography. Pupils have learned about the differences and similarities between shield and composite volcanoes. Pupils have thoroughly enjoyed watching video clips of Mount Etna and the explosive viscous lava. As part of their end of topic synoptic task, pupils were asked to either draw or make a composite volcano, showing the positive and negative factors about living near Mount Etna. What fantastic work!