Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Year 4 Summer

Climates Across The World

Year 4 are learning about climates across the world. We are learning about the Equator and lines of latitude and how different countries share similar climates.



In geography, we have been learning about volcanoes. One such point was to understand how after an eruption, the lave is rich in nutrients and fertilises the land, perfect for growing citrus fruits. With this in mind, we tried some pink grape fruit and discussed what other citrus fruits could be grown.


Times Tables

Year 4 have been working very hard preparing for the times tables check in June. Congratulations to all their hard work and gaining certificates.


Liquid Investigation

Year 4 have been investigating the effects of different liquids on our teeth. 
We put white eggs into vinegar, coke, water, coffee, tea and milk. 
We left them for a week, then explored what effect they had on the shells.


Digestive System Investigation

To demonstrate the stages of the digestive system, we copied the human digestive system. We mashed up bananas and cereal and moved it on to the final stage of waste. The children were very highly amused.