Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Year 5 Spring 

PE - Dance

The children in Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed creating a dance, to the theme of The Greatest Showman, this half term. They displayed fantastic teamwork and super collaboration in order to achieve this. Pupils loved being the ring masters and acting out the commanding role. Whilst doing this, they had to create a series of movements, including using various props, to sequence their dance routine. At the end of the lessons, the children performed their routine to their peers where they would critically evaluate each other.


English - Oliver Twist

We explored the many characters within Oliver Twist. The children undertook a conscience alley to consider how Oliver felt about his friendship with Dodger. We explored if he was a criminal or a victim.



The children have enjoyed using manipulatives to support their understanding of fractions. They were able to identify fractions that were greater and less than using visual representations. They were able to use a fractions wall to help them find equivalent fractions.


Paris Olympics 2024

Year 5 experienced a wonderful afternoon visiting the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall. We listened to many different instruments play many famous songs.