Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School


Staff Members

Teacher Miss Simpson
Teaching Assistant

Miss Bracken


Start of the Week

Monday and Tuesday: 8.45 - 3pm


Wednesday: 8.45 -11.30 doors close at 11.45

End of the Week

Wednesday: 12.15 - 3.15 (Doors open at 3pm)


Thursday and Friday 8.45 - 3pm

30hr Government funded: Monday - Friday 8.45 - 3pm 

We offer the option to pay for extra sessions. Please see Miss Simpson if this is something that you would like to talk about.

Book Bags

We will place important letters and your child's pictures in their bag when needed, please check book bags daily.

Library books will be changed on Wednesday.

 Autumn 2023

Spring 2024

Summer 2024