Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

RE Curriculum

Working together to inspire and learn, guided by God's love.

As a Catholic primary school and Nursery, here at Our Lady of Walsingham, we teach religious Education through the 'Come and See' programme with support and guidance from the Liverpool Archdiocese Christian Education Department. 

RE is taught through a range of topics, each focusing on one of three themes: Christian Living, Church and Sacraments.  There are 3 stages in the process for delivering the topics in 'Come and See' - Explore, Reveal and Respond which enable pupils to develop knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes.  The needs of individual pupils are met through a range of teaching and learning styles and experiences. 

'Come and See' also requires us to teach the children about other faiths and religions; these include Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism.


Religious Education Page


Curriculum Documentation 

Curriculum Big Questions Map 

Formal Assessment Overview

RE Curriculum Map

RE Implementation Overview

RE Questionnaire

Pupils RE Questionnaire Feedback 

Parent Questionnaire Analysis